When Jimmy was one I couldn't wait to take him to Florida to meet Blake, and of course, visit the "Mouse House". Since he was only a year old the flight, theme park tickets and even the extra baby crib in the hotel rooms were free. I knew I wanted to spend time with Blake, so I took two weeks off of work, I also took a page out of Blake's play book and asked my niece Kim to come along and help out. She was so excited and it would be her first plane trip. Sitting next to her on the plane was fun. She giggled and smiled the whole way. She loved how she could ask the flight attendant for just about anything and they were happy to bring it.
We landed in Daytona, rented a car and headed down the A1 Highway to Blake's condo. By this time she and Bob had moved into a new location with a Terra-cotta roof. Jim and I had stayed in the condo for our honeymoon years earlier while it was still just a vacation spot for them. I'll have to talk about that trip at some point.
We were greeted at the gate by a grinning Blake - she was so excited to see her latest 'grand child'! She had borrowed a pack and play from a friend so Jimmy would have a safe place to sleep. Jimmy, Kim and I shared a room and spent the next few days with Blake. She introduced them to 'corned beef hash'. I can't say for a fact that Kim liked it - but Jimmy thought it was the best! (note: he never ate it again after leaving Blake's house. She must have had the magic touch).
Kim and Jimmy had a great time on the beach and played in the waves. Although Blake had gotten some toys to entertain Jimmy, he was more interested in playing with her feather duster! I'm not sure why - but he was very attached to it.
After too short a time we were off to Orlando and the next part of our trip. We had a room at the West End Gate Holiday Inn. It was a nice room and the pool was adequate, but we really weren't there for the room and amenities. We were there for Mickey, Shamu, and Universal Studios. Yup - we hit all three. It was my trip to say 'no boundaries'.
I guess I was pretty uptight having to be the adult. It was not a role I was used to. Normally, Blake or Judy or Ginny would have been there to tell me what to do. Jim? Well, he didn't like going on vacations so this one was up to me.
So here we were in Orlando for the first time - pretty much solo - not really sure what to expect or what to do. The hotel was fine, but the area seemed a little run down to me. Again, I am sure my inexperience in solo adult travel probably played a big role. I was also super aware that if anything happened to the rental car I would be responsible for it.
Flash forward to the day we decided to go to Disney World. We had gone through the drive through at McDonalds for breakfast (yep, spared no expense) and I wasn't really paying attention to Kim. She had put her orange juice on the dash of the car, well, when I pulled out it flew right at her, flipped upside down and she caught it in her hand, forcing the straw through the bottom of the cup. She started laughing as OJ spilled all over the interior. I'd like to say that I was adult and laid back and laughed along - but I was worried that I would be in trouble. So of course I yelled at her. Orange juice was everywhere, but I cooled off, cleaned what I could, and continued on the way.
We had a great time at Disney (how could you not) we went on all the rides we could take Jimmy on, and some we actually couldn't - using the Disney trick of 'pass the baby' one of us would ride, then the other. We also did a great job of 'stroller swapping' through-out the day. You see, when you come out of a ride, the stroller that you rented at the front was rarely still there, so you just took another one. (They have your name on them so you'd think people would know). But at the end of the day we somehow managed to get the one with our name on it for return.
Now before I move on to the other two parks I need to mention one thing. Pacifiers. Jimmy was very, very, very attached to his. However, for some reason, he found great pleasure in dropping them out of the stroller and then crying when he didn't have it! I think I spent more time buying pacifiers at the Magic Kingdom than I did anything else. I am fairly sure I bought them out by the time we had left the park.
The next day we went to Sea World. Kim enjoyed the Shamu show (this was in the days before "Free Willy" or "Black Fish") and we made sure to see many of the other programs as well, stopping only to buy more pacifiers. I still have the Shamu we purchased that day. By the time we had gotten to the car the Orange Juice, that had spilled the day before, had started to turn rancid. Now we did laugh as we gagged all the way back to the hotel room.
Our final stop was Universal Studios. My favorite memory of that trip was standing in line in front of a couple of women from Portugal waiting to get on the King Kong ride. They were mesmerized by Jimmy and kept playing peek-a-boo. They loved saying 'Jimmy' over and over again. I was glad that he could relax around strangers so much and even more so when they held him so Kim and I could ride together. I guess I was a very trusting soul looking back at that day.
All good things must come to an end, but our adventures were far from over for this trip. We packed up our luggage and souvenirs (including the feather duster that Blake let Jimmy keep) made sure we had extra pacifiers, put the remaining diaper (notice that is not plural - I had only one left) in the diaper bag and headed to the airport.
I didn't mention the spilled orange juice to the car rental return, but I'm sure they figured it out when they got into the now 4-day hot sun rancid car. Thankfully I wasn't charged. We checked our bags and headed over the tram to wait for our flight home.
Since we had plenty of time we stopped for some lunch in the cafe. I put the tickets down and we began to eat. Someone next to us lit a cigarette so we got up and moved to a new table. We laughed and joked about our trip and remembered the fun we had. Then we got up and headed to our gate. Once we got there I sat Jimmy down and turned to Kim to ask for the tickets.
She looked at me with a blank stare. "What tickets?" "I don't have them." Oh shit! was all I could think. Where are the tickets?
I looked through the diaper bag, I checked my purse (in those days I actually carried one) I left Kim with Jimmy at the gate and ran back to the table. Nothing. Since the ticket counter was a tram ride away I jumped back on and approached the American Airlines counter. I still had my ID and they could issue me new ones - right.? Wrong! They would only do that if I missed my plane. I would have to try and find them. Dennis and Ginny would be waiting for Kim at Mitchel Field and we had to get on that plane. Not to mention I only had one diaper left - and as I was prone to do - I was pretty much tapped out of money.
I went back to the gate, checked everything again and could not find the tickets. Boarding had started and we had no way to get on the plane. I pleaded, but alas, the door shut and we watched the plane take off.
I'm sure Kim, being a kid, figured this meant an extension of the trip, but I was panicked. Beyond panicked. What was I going to do? This was before cell phones so I would need to find a pay phone to call home and let them know what happened.
I looked at Kim's goofy smile and did the worst thing ever. I yelled at her. Like it was her fault! I told her we were in so much trouble. I'm sure it took only a second for Kim to figure out that the adult she was traveling with was not equipped for this kind of trouble and she started to cry. She was probably upset that I yelled at her as if it was her fault.
For some reason, that made me feel better. I know - I'm sick. But at that moment it hit me that if we were going to get out of this it was up to me. We started to head back towards the tram. I had to get things straightened out. I apologized to Kim and told her it would be ok. We could always call Blake if we had to.
As we walked past the cafe' I heard 'Miss', 'Miss'....I looked to see a waitress waving my tickets at me. She had found them stuck to the bottom of a tray and held onto them hoping I would come back. Now I had my tickets but the plane was long gone.
We headed back over to the ticket counter. American was no help - that was the last plane leaving and I would have to wait for the next day. The one-diaper thing was really starting to bite me about this point.
I walked over to Delta and pleaded my case. It worked. They agreed to get us on the next plane home (without charging us!), but it would only get us as far as O'Hare. Our rides were supposed to meet us in Milwaukee. I asked and was allowed to use their phone to call home. I explained our last two hours to Jim, who relayed it to Dennis. They would meet us in O'Hare.
We were escorted to the Delta terminal and the ticket person made sure we were safely on board before leaving our side. I must have looked that panicked.
If the flight to Orlando made Kim feel like a princess, the Delta flight must have made her feel like a Queen. Not only did we get almost an entire 5-seat row to ourselves (three seats were turned into a bassinet for Jimmy) but we also had an inflight meal and all the soda Kim could handle.
By the time we landed she had an adventure, that I hope, still brings her some smiles.
I know it does me, and she helped me to learn some valuable lessons on that trip. Most importantly, relax, things will work out.
Jim and Dennis were waiting for us, smiling ear to ear. Kim ran up and gave her dad a big hug. I was so relieved that neither of them were mad at me.
***dedicated to my love of travel, and my fun memories with Kim.