Thursday, April 29, 2021

Day 88. Black Swan

Before I was born my parents were Tupperware sales team members. Each year Tupperware has what they call a grand jubilee where they recognize top sales numbers and give out awards to those that make high numbers.

My parents were two of the people recognized and they received two Murano glass swans. One blue, one black.  

Mom had displayed it on the coffee table in the living room for many years. I would always play with them. The blue one would be the mommy swan and the black one the dad. I could spend hours just sliding them across the table surface and imaging them swimming in a pond.

After my mother died I still remember the swans being an important part of our living room decoration. It was always there and for me signified more than an award for doing a good job. It was still the mommy swan and that family was complete. 

When my father remarried and we combined the households I made sure the swans were packed carefully into a box and carried them the three blocks to our new house. They would soon be placed in the basement rec-room behind the bar. I loved looking at them, it brought back good memories.

One day when I was downstairs dusting my new mother came down to clean the floors. I told her that when they made up the will, I wanted her to put that I would get the swans. I think she wasn't having the best day, could have been a million reasons why she was upset by my statement. Maybe the fact that I was thinking of their death. But she responded by telling me that the swans had been a gift to her and she was hoping one of her children would take them.

I may have been just nine, but my upcoming teenager spirit came out. I know I yelled and an argument ensued. It ended with me storming up the stairs. I was in my room which was right above the basement when I heard the heart stopping noise.


I ran downstairs to find my new mom stooped over the remains of the blue swan. She had bumped it by accident and it fell and broke. I cried myself to sleep that night. Now the swan family wasn't whole either.

I moved out of the house soon after graduation and didn't ask about the swan again. But every time I would visit, or there was a holiday gathering I would always find the black swan and stroke his neck. It brought me comfort.

The years moved forward and my parents, first my father, then my mother passed away. 

Shortly after mom died, I was at a wedding shower for my niece, and my sister Cathy pulled me aside. She told me she had something she thought I would like. She handed me a box and inside was the black swan. She knew I had wanted it and so she retrieved it from my parents belongings before they sold the house and held it for me. My heart jumped. Yes, of course I would keep him. I was so happy and hugged Cathy as hard as I could.

So then the next quest began. Searching antique stores and online sales for a new blue swan. I searched, my sisters searched, my children have searched, but no swan. It has been almost 15 years of searching for the swan. 

I asked at an antique store how I may get the picture out to collectors to see if anyone had seen a blue swan. They suggested Facebook Antique groups. I gave it a try. I took photos of the black swan for comparison and included the dimensions. I wrote a short story letting people know I was looking for his mate.

I hit post.

It only took a day. I received a message with a link to eBay attached. I looked at it and couldn't believe my eyes! It was the long-lost blue swan. I gladly paid the amount that was being asked and waited patiently for the swan to arrive.

Today my doorbell rang and the postman was holding a box with "Fragile" written all over it! She was here!

I can't tell you the excitement I had when I took her out of the box. There she was - just as I had remembered her. I took her downstairs and re-united her with the black swan.

The swan family was whole again.

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Day 87. The Amazing Mrs. Burns

I know what you're thinking. I'm getting a little prideful. But the Mrs. Burns of this story is not me. I'm just Carole (always say that), Mrs. Burns is my mother-in-law.

We lost her to breast cancer almost 20 years ago. I never realized it until today, by my children don't know a lot of stories from when her kids - their aunt, uncle and father - were small.

Judy was her only daughter. When she was an infant she contracted German Measles and was hospitalized. During that time (Mrs. Burns told me) the hospital gave her too much oxygen and she ended up with brain damage. However, in Judy's words "I'm slow, I'm not stupid". That was something Mrs. Burns always told her. 

So today's story is one that Judy shared with me while we were shopping. 

We had walked past the children's clothing and I noticed a little tutu dress. I said how sweet it was and asked Judy if she ever took ballet. "No, I took tap" came the answer. She went on to tell me the story of her short tap career at the ripe old age of maybe 5 or 6.

"Mom would take me every week and sit while I learned the steps. We worked on each of the lessons when we got home so I would learn them well enough to keep up with the other kids in the class. I never missed a single session and mom was always paying close attention so that she could help. 

Then we started to learn a dance routine that we would perform on the last day of the class. Mom took notes and practiced with me every day. The little girl across the street was in my class so mom and I would go over to her house and work on the dance.

Finally the day came for the performance. We got dressed and I had my shoes polished and a bow in my hair. But when we got to the class I was the only one to show up. None of the other students wanted to perform.

I was scared and didn't want to do the routine by myself. So my mom put down her coat and purse, climbed up on to the platform and did the dance with me. It was a mother-daughter dance." Judy had a smile on her face as she remembered this story. "It is one of my favorite memories, then when we finished she told the teacher we wouldn't be back. I guess she was upset that no one else bothered to show up and felt it was a waste of time. So I went on to other classes instead. But that one I will never forget."

I really wish I could have been there to see that performance. I didn't want to tell Judy about the tap lessons I took in my 40's. We had a recital too. 

I didn't show up. Now I wish I had.

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Day 86. Picking Berries

Think back to when you were a tween (11-13). Your brothers and sisters were out earning money, buying new things, driving their own cars. It was a difficult time because they didn't want you hanging around, and they especially didn't want to have to keep paying for your food or soda!

Enter Titsy. Yup - that was her real name. Titsy. She owned a farm on Shepard avenue, just a bike ride from my house. One day on the way to summer school I saw a sign that she had posted in her front yard:

Help wanted. 

Seemed like a sign - well, I mean it WAS a sign, but I meant a sign that I should go up and talk to her. I stopped my bike, carefully climbed down into the ditch, then back up to the road and walked my bike across the street. Before you knew it I was knocking at the door and hoping she didn't already find someone for whatever job she had.

A little old lady came out on the porch. She had to have been about 4 feet tall, 90 lbs soaking wet and 100 or more years old! Her face had the look of tanned leather with deep thick wrinkles. Almost like the witch in Hansel and Gretel. Not trying to be mean, just painting a picture for you.

I spoke with her for about 10 minutes and before you know it I had talked me and my friend Lori into the job. Lori didn't know I offered her skills, but I was sure she would want to do this task. It wouldn't be hard, we just needed to pick berries off her raspberry bushes. We would be paid fifty cents, each!

I rode quickly rode home, changed into some shorts and a T-shirt, ran next door and told Lori about the job. We really hadn't planned anything for the afternoon so we headed out.

We spent the rest of that day and most of the next picking berries. We must have easily picked a thousand or more pints! OK, in reality - maybe thirty each, but still, that would be $15 for each of us! This would be enough to cover the cost of a movie or two and some treats. 

We knocked on the door and presented Titsy with the box of pinted berries (not sure that is grammatically correct, but what else would you call it?)

She smiled and her little wrinkled face seemed to straighten out a bit. She thanked us and headed into the house. She opened her purse and gave each of us.....yup, you guessed it. Fifty cents.

Lori, the polite one always, smiled and said thank you before I could even question the amount. We grabbed our bikes and road off. When we got home I asked Lori why she didn't ask for more. She looked at me and said, "you told me the lady said she would pay us fifty cents each. That's what we got".

You know, it never dawned on me that she meant each of us and not each pint. So now you understand why Lori is such a good friend. She wasn't mad at me for assuming. She just took it in stride and realized we had helped a nice old lady with her chores.

However, we never went back.

Monday, April 26, 2021

Day 85. Recess

Out for our walk this morning a familiar noise was coming from the grade school in our neighborhood (the same one I attended when I was in sixth grade). Lyra was extremely interested in the noise and it actually felt good to hear it. 

Recess! The kids have returned to school after being on lock-down due to COVID-19. It was a good sound to hear - kids screaming and laughing. I turned the corner and could see the swings and monkey bars were full and a group of kids were playing a game of kick-ball on the black top.

As we walked past I kept a side glance at the game. I noticed that most of the players were boys, all in fact, except for one girl. She seemed to be uninhibited by the gender difference and instead was running and yelling at each swing of the leg.

That would have been me. Back on the playground at Lincoln Elementary School in Cudahy I was always one of the first people chosen for a team. My swim practice had strengthened my legs and I had a natural talent at catching the ball before it hit the ground. Yup, I was the ringer on the team. But my favorite part of the game was when you caught a grounder and could really smack a runner with the ball. I would always aim for the face if it was a boy that harassed me. Hey, all is fair in kickball!

The best games were after eating lunch. You see, since so many kids walked home for lunch they would give you an extra long break - almost a full hour. If you ate your lunch fast enough and grabbed the ball first you could get to the diamond on the blacktop and start the game going. I would open my 'Banana Splits' metal lunch box, take three large bites from my sandwich, scoop my pudding cup using my potato chips, toss my garbage and be out of the school in under 5 minutes. I wanted to be one of the captains because then you could set up a fairly good team.

In those days girls couldn't wear pants to school. Dress code demanded skirts or dresses. It would be a few more years before I was finally able to wear pants. But nothing said I couldn't wear shorts under my skirt, which made it easier to kick a ball and run at recess. Doing so without shorts could be costly on windy days. Or the famous 'dress up' day (when boys would grab the sides of the skirt and lift it up to show your panties). I was never caught off-guard. My underwear choice was of no concern to anyone but me.

Our games would go on for weeks, or until someone kicked the ball on top of the school - which wasn't difficult on the Kindergarten wing, which was only a one story structure. Then you'd have to wait until the end of the school year when the janitor would go on top and throw back all the balls, Frisbee's and hula hoops (it can happen) to the kids below.

It was good to watch the game as we walked past, to see the kids doing something physical. The game hadn't changed in all those years, and the fun that could be had with a rubber play ground ball brought back so many memories.

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Day 84. Granny Squares and 4H

Before we moved to Oak Creek I was quite active in Girl Scouts. We had just performed at the Holiday Folk Fair and I was anxious to see what Oak Creek's troupes would be like.


In Oak Creek they hadn't had a strong scouting experience so instead my friend, Arlys talked me into joining 4H. This was completely new to this city girl. I mean, people in this group actually raised cows! I was lucky that I could keep a hamster alive for more than a year. (There's a backstory there - watch for it at a later date)

But I was anxious to have something to do and this seemed like a fun group. We would get together and talk about projects, and we always had a craft to do at the meeting. It really wasn't that different than scouting, except that it was coed. It was the first time since I was little and my mom was a den mother for Gary's Boy Scout Troop that I had been in a group that included boys. I was too young to really care that much, but it still was a difference. For one thing, you could learn about engines and electrical things, not just sewing and cooking.

In my scout group I had learned how to crochet and I was getting quite good at granny squares. I would work on it with all of the yarn my mom would toss my way. At first my stitches were not that consistent but as time went on, I got better. Enough to catch the eye of one of the leaders of the 4-H group. 

She talked to me about entering my crocheting in the upcoming fair (it wasn't State Fair, one that was held at Mayfair, I think). Anyway, being on the look-out for awards and recognition, I entered.

But as you know, my interests and stamina in a project was never very strong. I kept meaning to pick up the hook and yarn and finish some more pieces, but other pressing things got in the way, like bike riding with Arlys or wondering the woods behind the house.

The day came for the fair and I ran upstairs to grab my 'blanket'....yeah, that's what I'll call it. A blanket. It just so happened that my sister, Judy had also been crocheting for a school project. She had made a little crocheted dress and baby booties out of blue ombre yarn. It went perfect with my blanket. I knew she wouldn't miss it (and this is probably the first she's reading about it) so I grabbed it and took it to the show.

At the fair we had the opportunity to wander the mall. We didn't have much money so we went around and asked strangers for some so we could get food at the 4H booths. Yup - early life pan-handling at it's finest.

The time came for judging and the ladies who looked at my project were very complimentary. Especially at the skill level of the dress and booties. They were tight stitches and well put together. When time came for awards I (er...Judy) took home three blue ribbons. They wanted to keep the pieces to display at the State Fair, but I lied and said they were a gift for one of my sisters that was having a baby shower.

It worked.

I went home with my three blue ribbons. Returned Judy's project to her crocheting bag and put my blanket over my Mrs. Beasley doll.

I think I was going to like 4-H.

Saturday, April 24, 2021

Day 83. Change of Plans

I am planning a road trip for me and Andy to Kansas City Zoo and then to Florida. Originally it was supposed to be Route 66 - but as is normal when traveling with Andy, things change. It is okay, though, because that is how he and I like to travel. No real time table, just destinations. It allows more flexibility while at the same time sticking to a routine for travel that Andy is comfortable with doing.

So here is how the plan is progressing. 

Originally we were going to take Lyra and head along Route 66. Jimmy and I had completed the East-West trip about 7 years ago and Andy has been wanting to do the same. So I downloaded the Route 66 App and started sliming down the attractions I would try and hit this time. I really wanted to see the Blue Whale in Catoosa, Oklahoma. Somehow Jimmy and I missed it on the first trip. So I made sure to include it in my plans. Of course POPS soda in Arcadia, OK would be something Andy would want to see so that was an easy 2 locations. I figured I would try and see more of the Muffler Men along the route this time as well.

But, today Andy changed that.

He found out that one of his favorite foxes from "Save a Fox" was transitioned to a new home in central Florida, fairly close to Orlando. Soooo since we really don't have a plan and I haven't made any hotel reservations yet, we are altering our plans. 

We will still go to Kansas City zoo to see the penguins we have been watching on the Live Streaming feed, and then head to Florida.

Lyra is going to stay home since I know I could find someone to watch her in Kansas - I would not be able to find someone in Florida. And well, leaving her alone in a hotel room is not very nice. Leaving her in the car is not even an option. Besides, Jim will be happy to have someone to hang out with at home.

I'm back to researching again, trying to find the best route and in turn, the safest hotels to stay at during a pandemic. We are bringing a tent in case we find a good campsite - but not having stayed in any down south we just aren't sure what to expect. I picked up a National Parks sticker today so that would be an option.

I guess the Blue Whale will have to wait for next year. Oh, and if you have read this far - next year I am planning a Route 66 road trip for anyone that wants to join in. More information on that later.


Friday, April 23, 2021

Day 82. I blame the mouse

By the time Andy was a year old I had been working at First Wisconsin National Bank for 13 years. It had been a good run. But something was about to happen that would change all of that. I was going to take time off to go to see Blake and go to Disney World.

To take things back just a little - in December of 1991, my co-worker Julie and I were installing equipment at a bank when two men walked in and started shooting guns into the ceiling. It was a robbery and one thing I know for certain, I am quite capable of hitting the ground quickly. I rolled under the desk that I was working at and I was sure that you couldn't see me. But just in case, I closed my eyes. 

I waited a long while until I heard them leave and the bank manager yelling to lock the door. After hours of waiting around for police to question everyone we headed back to the main building, shaken and trembling.

It was at that point that I decided a change needed to take place. I had applied for and got a promotion to a different area of the IT staff. This one allowed me to travel a bit more around the state of Wisconsin. I would help backs that we were acquiring change over equipment and operations to match our standards. The job kept me on the road quite a bit. For the most part I was in back rooms of banks or there after hours to train the tellers.

It was also a nice raise in pay, which allowed me to save enough money to head to Florida once again. This time, I would take Julie as my back up adult. 

The tickets were purchased and plans were made to visit with Blake first and then head to Disney. We were staying on site this time, which was much nicer since we could use their transportation so I wouldn't need to rent a car. After going to the beach a few days with the boys we headed to the Mouse House. Blake drove us and stayed with us until Julie arrived at the end of the weekend. 

Julie and I had a blast. The boys loved her and I don't remember much crying. Except for when Jimmy came down with an ear infection. Did you know that Disney has its own visiting doctors? Yup, just call the front desk and they will send one to your room. It was the best since I am not sure what else I would have done. The doctor not only diagnosed the problem, but had the medicine Jimmy would need right in his bag. Better still, it was all covered by my insurance!

So, on with the trip. I had learned from my earlier trip to pack extra pacifiers and diapers. I wouldn't be caught off-guard this time. We spent days at the pool and nights at the parks since it was less crowded. Disney transportation took us everywhere. Rain ponchos were needed a couple of days, so of course we purchased the over-priced ones in the park. I mean - they had Mickey Mouse on them!

By the time we headed back home I had been pampered and relaxed beyond belief. One thing was for certain. I enjoyed spending so much time with my boys. Prior to this trip I spent so much time away that I felt like everyone else was raising my children. We had split babysitting duty between Mrs. Burns and a sitter named Patty. I had started going to night school so between work, school and travel I was missing out on a lot of high points.

I was quite on the way home as I thought about my next steps. But is was what happened on the plane that made my decision final. While flying over the Illinois border the plane suddenly dipped to one side. I am usually a nervous flyer but I have calmed myself by watching the flight attendants. If they don't look panicked, I am fine. 

They looked stunned.

OK, I thought. That wasn't supposed to happen. Then the captain came on. "Folks, I'm going to ask you to keep your seat belts fastened. We have lost an engine. Don't worry, we can land with just one, but we want to make sure you are secure in your seats.

He sounded like he knew what he was talking about so I took him at his word. 

However, when we landed the runway was lined with emergency vehicles and fire trucks. I'm guessing he wasn't being completely truthful.

All I kept thinking was that if we had crashed I would have left Jim with no one.

The next few weeks at work were difficult as I kept looking at the pictures of my children's smiling faces on the rides. I missed them. My boss gave me the itinerary for the next month and it appeared I would be home only one week - and that would be split up.

I went to her and asked if we could adjust it a bit, that I wanted to be home with my children more often. She told me I needed to decide what was more important to me. My kids or my job.

No contest.

The next day, with out event telling Jim, I gave my two weeks notice. I decided that I could make more money watching other peoples kids than I was making working and paying someone to watch mine.

It is a decision I have never once questioned. And I blame it on the mouse. He showed me what was really important.

My family.

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Day 81. I made Kim cry

When Jimmy was one I couldn't wait to take him to Florida to meet Blake, and of course, visit the "Mouse House".  Since he was only a year old the flight, theme park tickets and even the extra baby crib in the hotel rooms were free. I knew I wanted to spend time with Blake, so I took two weeks off of work, I also took a page out of Blake's play book and asked my niece Kim to come along and help out. She was so excited and it would be her first plane trip. Sitting next to her on the plane was fun. She giggled and smiled the whole way. She loved how she could ask the flight attendant for just about anything and they were happy to bring it. 

We landed in Daytona, rented a car and headed down the A1 Highway to Blake's condo. By this time she and Bob had moved into a new location with a Terra-cotta roof. Jim and I had stayed in the condo for our honeymoon years earlier while it was still just a vacation spot for them. I'll have to talk about that trip at some point.

We were greeted at the gate by a grinning Blake - she was so excited to see her latest 'grand child'! She had borrowed a pack and play from a friend so Jimmy would have a safe place to sleep. Jimmy, Kim and I shared a room and spent the next few days with Blake. She introduced them to 'corned beef hash'. I can't say for a fact that Kim liked it - but Jimmy thought it was the best! (note: he never ate it again after leaving Blake's house. She must have had the magic touch).

Kim and Jimmy had a great time on the beach and played in the waves. Although Blake had gotten some toys to entertain Jimmy, he was more interested in playing with her feather duster! I'm not sure why - but he was very attached to it.

After too short a time we were off to Orlando and the next part of our trip. We had a room at the West End Gate Holiday Inn. It was a nice room and the pool was adequate, but we really weren't there for the room and amenities. We were there for Mickey, Shamu, and Universal Studios. Yup - we hit all three. It was my trip to say 'no boundaries'. 

I guess I was pretty uptight having to be the adult. It was not a role I was used to. Normally, Blake or Judy or Ginny would have been there to tell me what to do. Jim? Well, he didn't like going on vacations so this one was up to me. 

So here we were in Orlando for the first time - pretty much solo - not really sure what to expect or what to do. The hotel was fine, but the area seemed a little run down to me. Again, I am sure my inexperience in solo adult travel probably played a big role. I was also super aware that if anything happened to the rental car I would be responsible for it.

Flash forward to the day we decided to go to Disney World. We had gone through the drive through at McDonalds for breakfast (yep, spared no expense) and I wasn't really paying attention to Kim. She had put her orange juice on the dash of the car, well, when I pulled out it flew right at her, flipped upside down and she caught it in her hand, forcing the straw through the bottom of the cup. She started laughing as OJ spilled all over the interior. I'd like to say that I was adult and laid back and laughed along - but I was worried that I would be in trouble. So of course I yelled at her. Orange juice was everywhere, but I cooled off, cleaned what I could, and continued on the way.

We had a great time at Disney (how could you not) we went on all the rides we could take Jimmy on, and some we actually couldn't - using the Disney trick of 'pass the baby' one of us would ride, then the other. We also did a great job of 'stroller swapping' through-out the day. You see, when you come out of a ride, the stroller that you rented at the front was rarely still there, so you just took another one. (They have your name on them so you'd think people would know). But at the end of the day we somehow managed to get the one with our name on it for return.

Now before I move on to the other two parks I need to mention one thing. Pacifiers. Jimmy was very, very, very attached to his. However, for some reason, he found great pleasure in dropping them out of the stroller and then crying when he didn't have it! I think I spent more time buying pacifiers at the Magic Kingdom than I did anything else. I am fairly sure I bought them out by the time we had left the park.

The next day we went to Sea World. Kim enjoyed the Shamu show (this was in the days before "Free Willy" or "Black Fish") and we made sure to see many of the other programs as well, stopping only to buy more pacifiers. I still have the Shamu we purchased that day. By the time we had gotten to the car the Orange Juice, that had spilled the day before, had started to turn rancid. Now we did laugh as we gagged all the way back to the hotel room. 

Our final stop was Universal Studios. My favorite memory of that trip was standing in line in front of a couple of women from Portugal waiting to get on the King Kong ride. They were mesmerized by Jimmy and kept playing peek-a-boo. They loved saying 'Jimmy' over and over again. I was glad that he could relax around strangers so much and even more so when they held him so Kim and I could ride together. I guess I was a very trusting soul looking back at that day.

All good things must come to an end, but our adventures were far from over for this trip. We packed up our luggage and souvenirs (including the feather duster that Blake let Jimmy keep) made sure we had extra pacifiers, put the remaining diaper (notice that is not plural - I had only one left) in the diaper bag and headed to the airport.

I didn't mention the spilled orange juice to the car rental return, but I'm sure they figured it out when they got into the now 4-day hot sun rancid car. Thankfully I wasn't charged. We checked our bags and headed over the tram to wait for our flight home.

Since we had plenty of time we stopped for some lunch in the cafe. I put the tickets down and we began to eat. Someone next to us lit a cigarette so we got up and moved to a new table. We laughed and joked about our trip and remembered the fun we had. Then we got up and headed to our gate. Once we got there I sat Jimmy down and turned to Kim to ask for the tickets.

She looked at me with a blank stare. "What tickets?" "I don't have them." Oh shit! was all I could think. Where are the tickets?

I looked through the diaper bag, I checked my purse (in those days I actually carried one) I left Kim with Jimmy at the gate and ran back to the table. Nothing. Since the ticket counter was a tram ride away I jumped back on and approached the American Airlines counter. I still had my ID and they could issue me new ones - right.? Wrong! They would only do that if I missed my plane. I would have to try and find them. Dennis and Ginny would be waiting for Kim at Mitchel Field and we had to get on that plane. Not to mention I only had one diaper left - and as I was prone to do - I was pretty much tapped out of money. 

I went back to the gate, checked everything again and could not find the tickets. Boarding had started and we had no way to get on the plane. I pleaded, but alas, the door shut and we watched the plane take off. 

I'm sure Kim, being a kid, figured this meant an extension of the trip, but I was panicked. Beyond panicked. What was I going to do? This was before cell phones so I would need to find a pay phone to call home and let them know what happened. 

I looked at Kim's goofy smile and did the worst thing ever. I yelled at her. Like it was her fault! I told her we were in so much trouble. I'm sure it took only a second for Kim to figure out that the adult she was traveling with was not equipped for this kind of trouble and she started to cry. She was probably upset that I yelled at her as if it was her fault. 

For some reason, that made me feel better. I know - I'm sick. But at that moment it hit me that if we were going to get out of this it was up to me. We started to head back towards the tram. I had to get things straightened out. I apologized to Kim and told her it would be ok. We could always call Blake if we had to.

As we walked past the cafe' I heard 'Miss', 'Miss'....I looked to see a waitress waving my tickets at me. She had found them stuck to the bottom of a tray and held onto them hoping I would come back. Now I had my tickets but the plane was long gone. 

We headed back over to the ticket counter. American was no help - that was the last plane leaving and I would have to wait for the next day. The one-diaper thing was really starting to bite me about this point.

I walked over to Delta and pleaded my case. It worked. They agreed to get us on the next plane home (without charging us!), but it would only get us as far as O'Hare. Our rides were supposed to meet us in Milwaukee. I asked and was allowed to use their phone to call home. I explained our last two hours to Jim, who relayed it to Dennis. They would meet us in O'Hare.

We were escorted to the Delta terminal and the ticket person made sure we were safely on board before leaving our side. I must have looked that panicked.  

If the flight to Orlando made Kim feel like a princess, the Delta flight must have made her feel like a Queen. Not only did we get almost an entire 5-seat row to ourselves (three seats were turned into a bassinet for Jimmy) but we also had an inflight meal and all the soda Kim could handle. 

By the time we landed she had an adventure, that I hope, still brings her some smiles.

I know it does me, and she helped me to learn some valuable lessons on that trip. Most importantly, relax, things will work out.

Jim and Dennis were waiting for us, smiling ear to ear. Kim ran up and gave her dad a big hug. I was so relieved that neither of them were mad at me.

***dedicated to my love of travel, and my fun memories with Kim.

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Day 80. Old Maid Cheater

My next three stories will all revolve around my favorite place. Disney World! And, no, it has nothing to do with my recent dive into the world of travel agent. I have some great memories, as I'm sure everyone does, with vacations. I try and make it to WDW at least every other year. Ever since I went for the first time with Blake, I have been enchanted.

So, of course I agreed to go when I was asked by Judy and Ginny for a road trip . We would bring Kristy along and introduce her to Disney or "the mouse house" as Blake used to call it. Speaking of Blake, she let us use one of the condo's that she and Bob owned at Ocean Reef Villas in New Smyrna Beach. It sat on the Ocean and had a great view.

So we loaded our luggage and bags of "let's keep Kristy and Carole busy in the back seat" into the car and then we were off! Did I mention that we have this habit of starting out at an ungodly hour? That helps to keep everyone in the backseat asleep for the longest part of the trip. Guess what - that never works.

In those days we used the AAA 'Trip-Tik' system. No GPS, instead the map was cut up into what could be considered bite-sized pieces. I used to love holding the Trip-Tik and watch the locations go past...then turn the page. It was the best feeling to know you were that much closer to Florida.

We traveled for what felt like a month to get through Illinois - when you head North to South it is one of the longest states you need to drive through. But we made it without too much fuss. After all, we were excited to get to our final destination. After traveling through Missouri, we stopped for the night in Tennessee (or maybe Georgia, hard to remember). Then got up bright and early (again) to head to our beach house.

The second day was not as smooth as the first. Sure we were still excited, but by this point Kristy (7) and I (20) were not getting along so well in the back seat. So let me just put it here in writing. Kristy cheats. You read that correctly. She's a cheater with a capital C! We were doing so well and then we decided to play old maid. I'm not sure how many games we played, but all of a sudden she wouldn't take the Old Maid from my hand. Then I saw it.....someone had bent the Old Maid! I didn't do it, so it had to have been Kristy. She swore she didn't and a fight started. Yes, I am not proud to say it, but I was fighting with a seven-year-old in the back seat of Ginny's car.

But she cheated!

OK - so that was pretty much the joke the rest of the trip. And that was a fair joke. In fact, I do still laugh about it today.

After the obvious cheating incident we didn't use the cards for the rest of the trip. We just entertained ourselves with reading, coloring and flipping the Trip-Tik.

We enjoyed our week at the Condo, The sand was hot, but the ocean was cool. Finally we  took Kristy to Disney World. You'd think she would be mesmerized - right? Well not this kid. She was hot and would have preferred to stay at the pool or on the beach. 

I know she out grew that since she has taken her children to Disney at least once. I saw the pictures! Plus the adult Kristy even ran the Disney Marathon through all four parks. Something I would never even try - unless someone was driving a golf cart. I'd do that!

Blake joined us at the pool a couple of times to lay out, share stories, and give us ideas of places to visit and eat. It was a fun trip. The road home wasn't as exciting as the road to Florida. But at least there was no more cheating!

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Day 79. Woodsy Owl

Earth day is once again upon us. The one day a year where people think about not littering. 

Caring about the Earth isn't all that new. The emphasis on recycling is, but let's face it. I've been saving items from landfills for years. 

OK, before my niece gets mad at me, let me tell you the next story. 

Waaayyyy back in 1970 my teacher, Mrs. Felwock, at Lincoln Elementary school started a new program. "The Ecology Club". It was in response to the first earth day, April 20, 1970. She wanted a way to get students active in cleaning up the playground and the world around us. Of course I joined. So did Beth, Grace, Patti and Laura. We were the Woodsy Patrol.

She went all out. We had uniforms (our Woodsy Owl Pin, plus some old crossing guard belts that Mrs. Felwock had found). We would use our lunch hour picking up trash around the playground, make sure that all the used milk cartons made it into the proper trash bin (could this have been the beginning of recycling?)

I was serious about my commitment to the club. I would pick up trash on my way home from school, if I didn't have a trash bag I would put it in the mail box on the street corner. It never dawned on me that the postal worker didn't want to empty garbage from the box, but it was convenient and at least the trash wasn't blowing around anymore. 

We planted a few trees and made sure to water them every day. It was fun watching them grow, I checked and one of them is still there (at least I want to believe it was one of the trees that we planted).

The early days of trash pick up has never left me. I always carry an extra bag with me when I walk my dog so I can pick up any stray trash along the way. (Ok - truth - during the pandemic I stopped, but will start up again - soon). It also is secretly my way of getting back at those seagulls. No trash, no seagulls! I also don't like to think that an animal may be hit by a passing car while they are enjoying a snack that has been left in the middle of the road.

I have a number of bracelets from 4Ocean (check it out - they use plastic they pull from the ocean. Each bracelet is one pound of plastic. I have 30). I also have a nice reusable collection bag and gloves. I recently purchased one of those grabbers so I don't have to touch the trash.

My children have witnessed me telling people not to litter, I have gone as far as picking up something I saw someone discard, running up to them and handing it back. Letting them know that I saw them drop it and they should hold onto it until they find a trash can. 

I realize that I may be fighting a losing battle, but I refuse to give up. I figure if someone see's this old lady picking up trash they may think twice the next time.

Oh, and all you smokers....don't think that cigarette butt magically disappears the moment you drop it on the road or out your car window. Thanks to my First LEGO League years and the research the kids did I can tell you that the filters on cigarettes - four-fifths of all cigarettes have them - are made of cellulose acetate, a form of plastic that is very slow to degrade in the environment. A typical cigarette butt can take anywhere from 18 months to 10 years to decompose, depending on conditions.

The paper masks seem to be plentiful on the streets and sidewalks. We are in a Pandemic people. Don't you think it is weird that people are happy to toss what could be disease ridden masks on the street in hopes that they don't somehow make it into the water supply? Boy, people need to start to think of others once in a while. 

Earth Day is April 22, 2021 - but that doesn't mean we should only think about it one day a year. There is so much we can do - you just need to start. 

So-here is my challenge to you, the reader. Pick up 3 pieces of trash a day. If everyone did that, soon we will find it difficult to locate any. 

"Help Woodsy spread the word! Never be a dirty bird! Where ever you may go, you can let some people know to GIVE A HOOT - DON'T POLLUTE - in the city or in the wood, help keep America - looking good!"

Monday, April 19, 2021

Day 78. Family

Family is what you are born into, most of the time. In my case, it was both what I was born in to, and what my sisters and brothers were born into. Ok - that sentence doesn't sound sane so let me explain that to you. 

When my mom died to say my dad was lost would be an understatement. He was looking for companionship and to fill the hole in his heart. My younger self would never understand, but my almost 60 year old self gets it.

So after dating for a little while he found what he was looking for, in the last place he would have thought to look. The trash.

My dad worked at Patrick Cudahy meat processing plant. As he was leaving one night he heard cries for help. Like a knight in shining armor my dad came to the rescue and pulled the damsel in distress from her metal dungeon. That damsel ended up catching his eye. 

He found out that she had lost her husband as well. I wonder if she told him right away that she had five children. I wonder if he told her....I would have liked to see their faces when they did the math. I guarantee you it was nothing like Lucille Ball and Henry Fonda's faces in the movie "Yours, Mine and Ours".

In any event they started dating. I was too young to notice the subtle change in his attitude. I do know he seemed happy again, and was home more often - well sort of. He was home when he wasn't out on a date.

Then the day came. The day he told us that he had asked the new woman in his life to become his wife. She agreed. 

I've mentioned before about meeting for the first time our new brothers and sisters. It was surreal to think that this clan would somehow live under one roof. 

The wedding was fun, everyone had a role in it. Gary and Rick were alter boys (they were both over 6 ft tall so calling them alter boys sounds funny). They were klutzy and added more smiles and laughs to the service. My dad had his brother, Frank as best man and my mom-to-be had her sister, Pat as maid of honor.

Aside from a few tripped over lights and stumbling of vows the wedding was picture perfect. The reception at "Steinbachers" in Cudahy was the most fun I had in a long time. I danced with my friend, Randy and enjoyed getting to know my new brothers and sisters better. For the first time that I could remember I not only had Grandparents again, but aunts and uncles that lived in Wisconsin!

The next few days were spent consolidating two homes into one. That was something, carrying boxes through back yards and alleyways. We only moved a few blocks over, but it was a new life for me, leaving Ruthie, Tommy, and the twins behind I would soon discover Chris, Kelly, Patti and Laura. 

But I digress. 

Our families became one. Even the Cudahy Reminder took note - we were a news item!  Soon after my parents gave us the news that our family was going to grow even more. My new mom was pregnant. Of course we were all excited. Chris arrived that December just in time for Christmas. We had to wait for my parents to bring him home from the hospital to open the mound of presents in the living room - but we don't hold that against him (too much).  

The family was complete when Mary Beth came home a year later. She arrived in June, which was nice of her to spread out the birthdays a bit. After all - of the 14 people in our family 7 of us were born in the months of October-January. 

So there you have it, yours-mine-and-ours! They had made the movie a reality. 

I'd love to say that we were all forever happy and got along great. But let's be real. No family ever gets along all of the time, even in the movie the kids fought. There are arguments, taking sides, us against them....but you know what? There were some great times too. Sneaking out of the house, annoying the neighbors, ordering Golden Chicken or Pizza on the nights our parents went bowling. Sunday dinners, dishes after Sunday dinner, the Thanksgiving football games. Big family Christmas parties, Weddings - lots of weddings. Baby showers - lots of baby showers. Graduations, more weddings, and so on.

I love telling people about my family. It has been the best and even though we didn't always get along I'm always excited to talk to a brother or sister I haven't heard from in years. No matter what happens, they are family. 

Thankfully the internet and social media helps us keep in touch on our own terms. I can catch up with a sibling I haven't heard from in a while and just like that I am back in that big family I love to brag about.

Our parents are gone now, but as the "Pointer Sister's" song goes - "we are family".

Dedicated to: Bonnie, Karen, Ginny, Cathy, Rick, Gary, Judy, Mike, Laurie, Chris and Mary Beth. and of course, our parents - Ralph and Irene, Betty and Eric.

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Day 77. New beginnings should always start in print


Sunday, April 18, 2021

I am supposed to be outside weeding my gardens. It is the first nice day of the spring/summer season in

Wisconsin. So, of course, I am inside avoiding the physical labor and instead searching my computer for writing samples. In 2014 I left my job and ventured in a new direction. I always thought that I had the job of my dreams. I loved working with the students and faculty to perfect their projects and help them to discover hidden talents. I am most happy when I am helping others. But I was slowly killing myself, spreading myself too thin, and not taking into consideration the consequences my actions may be having on me and my family life. I never gave that statement much thought until recently. I have been talking with a counselor to try and find where I fit in - how and why I am here on earth. But until I really thought about it, I never realized what I had been doing. I had been worrying so much about everyone else that I ended up putting myself second. For my entire life, I have always put everyone else first: my father, my family, my friends, my job, so much so that I have become very good at making myself second fiddle. Almost as if everyone else's needs were more important than my own. Then I started to reach out for help, asking those that I supported for so many years to support me. Through this journey, I have found my true friends, my true family, and my true reason for existing. All of you know who you are because I have thanked you for your support and told you how important your words have been to me. My existence may actually be to help others, and to explore and fail so that I can better understand and instruct. 

After some searching I landed at my current position, but sadly, I am finding myself back in my old habits of working too much and taking too much on outside of work I took a digital break so I could re-focus (again) and take inventory of my life. I hope to retire in a few years and I want my last position to be something where I truly feel I am making a difference. It may be at my current job, or it could be in a new position somewhere else. I am not closing that door, yet.

I have a new focus and a new outlook. The future is still fuzzy and I will always be looking for that next piece of adventure, I will probably never stop exploring and this blog will allow you to join in on the fun!

Perhaps someday those adventures will include me being able to travel and take photos; that is truly my dream. I have a friend that does this for a living, but he has been working hard at his craft for many years. I could never imagine being in his shoes. Maybe it could be possible on a smaller scale. I would love to document American struggles and triumphs. I have always wanted to do a story on Route 66, traveling it during the summer months and detailing what I find. Of course, that travel would have to be in a convertible for full effect - or perhaps an old station wagon filled with my family! For now, it's time to sign off and journey onto other parts of my life. After all, those gardens won't weed themselves! Until the next post, be good to yourself. Give yourself a chance to make mistakes, and be forgiving of yourself when you do. Remember: love those around you, and live for the day!

Saturday, April 17, 2021

Day 76. Shopping in Cagli

I have decided that the best way to speak Italian is to just add an 'o' to the end of words. For instance, when I went into the stationary story to get some envelopes for class I simply asked for and envelop-o - I could tell the store manager was so impressed with my quick grasp of the language as he reached into the back room and brought out the item I had asked for...a small paper sack. OK - it was close, but no cigar. After a few more minutes and my excellent skill in charades I finally walked out with sexta (six) small envelopes - and some bright yellow poster board. Which I did want. I put my grade school teacher skills to use as I setup the lab equipment for check out. The students seem to like it and it has made a big difference.

My next step was to find the back stage area of the theater. I really wanted to see what it looked like, dressing rooms, storage, lights, booms and wings. Those in theater will understand. This place is fantastic. The stage is racked - which is how all stages started out. In layman's terms it means that it slants down towards the audience. That is where the term 'up stage' came from. The theater seats over 500 people and has individual box seats available. The fly and wing space is huge - individual dressing rooms for up to 3 people and a small amount of storage. Obviously this theater was decided for traveling groups and not a local group. The light board operates from the back of the audience and is computerized. But the rest of the theater has the century flavor and style. I was in heaven!

Friday, April 16, 2021

Day 75. Oh my Aching Calves!


Monday, June 8, 2009

You may remember as a child your father (or mother) telling you that they had to walk 5 miles uphill -

both ways - to get to school. Well I think if that is the case the school must have been located in Italy. It was a true day of rest - Judy took the lab key from me so that I couldn't work so I decided to explore the countryside instead. I grabbed my backpack and some iced tea and headed out. As I went I hummed the backpack song "I like to go a wandering upon the hills so green, and when I go I like to take my backpack on my back...tradaleee....tradalaa....tradalee...tra da lalalala....trad da leee...trad da backpack on my back. OK girl scouts was good for something. Anyway I soon found out that every where I went I had to deal with hills - and I swear to you they were always going up! I don't think anything goes down. I was able to get some good pictures and managed to not get lost (a break through for me). By the time I got back to town I was hot and really wanted to sit and rest. Instead I heard a "come on mom, we're going to the waterfall!" The girls on the trip have taken to calling me mom- which is fine. So I followed them to the water fall - you guessed it - uphill. However the area they wanted to swim in was at the bottom of a cliff. Not to be undone I scampered down the steep incline and only suffered a minor injury when I put my hand down on a pricker bush. That darn pricker is still imbedded firmly in my right index finger. I hope it works its way out before too long.

Anyway, the waterfall was beautiful and the area was cool. I sat and took pictures as the girls swam and explored. Soon the remaining students showed up and the area was swarming with Americans. Dark clouds and the threat of rain chased this adventurer back up the slope and to the safety of my room. I didn't want the camera to get ruined.

Evening came and I had a nice dinner with the graduate students. Afterwards I treated to gelato. My first of the trip. I can't say I didn't like it because it was very good - but it really wasn't what I was expecting. I still like the India ice cream better. But don't tell anyone - I don't want to get kicked out of Italy!

Afterwards Jacki and I hiked back up to the waterfall (yes it was about 11pm and very dark). We made it to the ledge and then figured it was probably in our best interest to not try and scamper down the cliff. We headed back to the piazza. When I finally climbed into bed that night my calves were achy - but I was glad for the day I had and that Judy held the key captive. I really enjoyed myself.

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Day 74. When in Italy...


Saturday, June 6, 2009

Nothing much really happened today. Pretty much routine - woke up - went to the lab - worked until 6pm and went home. I did manage to smash my finger in the door as I was leaving - ouch! So I thought

I would talk a little bit about cars in Italy. The roads here are small - most are one way since only one car can fit - barely. Lots of FIAT's can be seen. Sometimes you'll see a fancy car like a ferrari but most are family style. Today while drinking my morning Caffe' I watched the school bus pick up children. This was a full size school bus - it must have come from some secret way that only bus drivers know. I can't imagine it coming down my street - I can almost reach out and touch the other side. Truthfully a VW bug would be the best way to give you an idea. If I put a VW on the street there would be just enough room for a person on one side of it to walk. So I am not sure how the bus made it - but it did. I am sure the kids weren't happy. I saw the kids climb on and do something no Wisconsin student ever does - sat down and put on a seat belt! Shoulder harness and all. Wow - a bus with seat belts - now that is a novel idea. Perhaps they need them in case the driver hits a wall? It is possible, although this one didn't seem too banged up.

At night the moon was cresting over the mountain I can see from my room window. I climbed up onto the window sill (they are really robust here) and just watched the clouds float past. I tried to get some pictures, but point and shoot camera's just don't have the delicate settings I needed. So I sat and watched without the aid of technology. It was really peaceful and I felt so comfortable that I climbed down, grabbed a book and sat back in the window and read by moonlight. It was wonderful.

A little later some of the students saw me and came up to my room - we sat and talked, watched some Italian TV - including an episode of "South Park" and then headed to bed. Tomorrow is Saturday and the students have the day off. I get to work on the network for a while and then the day is mine as well. Shopping here I come!

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Day 73. I found Pipi Longstocking

Thursday, June 4, 2009


When I was a teen my sisters and I found this really different show - Pipi Longstocking on a PBS station. We watched it even though it was pretty bad. It was a french show that had been re-voiced by American actors so of course the lips didn't match up. This morning as I was making breakfast I turned on the television and was channel surfing and what shows up - but Longstocking de Pipi! It was the same show - but this time with Italian voice-over. I sat and watched it mainly because I couldn't believe that the tapes still existed and partially because I had as a kid. It hasn't changed. Even in Italian it was bad.

The last thing I needed to setup in the lab were the printers. Last night as we were getting ready to leave for the day they arrived. I spent the better part of the morning adding them into my rogue network I have created with my laptop serving as the server. Music for today is Gaelic Storm - I hope that its legal to listen to Irish music while in Italy. So far no one has complained.

I installed Skype on all the machines as well. This is pretty boring talk and I apologize, just wanted to let you know I am working in between all the fun walking around.

Tonight we are going to Seven's place (a bar the students have adopted) it is owned by Seven - who is the seventh son born in his family and so they named him seven. Just a little Italy trivia for you. He has offered to buy the group dinner and drinks. I think this may bankrupt him. Obviously he has not fed teenagers before and ones on budgets are even worse! I have been paying attention to more of the shops around the square as I walk back and forth. They have some neat things. I will have to see what I can fit in my suitcase on the way home.

Just a couple more Italian pointers and then I'll let you go for today. One - when ordering bottled water make sure you specify 'Naturale' or you will get carbonated. Two - cats in Italy don't like bread tossed at them (they hiss), and Three - people get upset when you leave bread out for cats.

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Day 72. Mimi's and No-No's

I may have mentioned that most of the faculty will meet in the square to discuss the day. I woke early and went for a walk. I brought my iPod and have decided that AC/DC's Back in Black is perfect for walking the steep hills and angled streets. Dodging cars is easier as they yell in your ears. At the end I decided coffee would be good. Now, my Italian has been a slow process, but I know how to order my coffee. After all I have my priorities. The place I like the best is a small Cafe' in the square. The real name escapes me - but the faculty call it simply "Mimi's". I walked in and proudly state Cafe Machiotto...which basically means a shot of espresso with cream. Starbucks could never match its taste. Now something you should know. If you walk into an Italian Cafe' and confidently speak the order clearly and accurately it is like a flag waving with the words "I speak fluent Italian"....oops. Mimi started talking to me - very nicely I replied "sorry - I don't speak Italian". Now I am her project. Mimi has decided I will learn basic Italian before I leave. The only problem is she speaks really fast. She has managed to teach me that if you order at the counter, you drink at the counter (now I know why that guy in the train station was yelling at me for sitting down after I ordered - stupid American), you don't need to tip in Italy (it's included in the price) and that the proper way to say thank you is Gracia not Gracie as I had been saying. I may get this yet. I like Mimi - she is my kind - relentlessness, confident in my ability to learn and really caring.

After classes the faculty met at Mimi's again to have some wine. I ordered - dose bianche and dose vina rosa (White and Red Wine - 2 of each). Mimi brought out the wine and a tray lined with breads, peanuts and chips. Have I mentioned that I really like Mimi? After a while we were joined by some uninvited guests. No-no's. Italy's version of mosquito's. I knew it was too good to be true. I don't get mosquitoes bites-at least not the hive part-and I am hoping my low blood sugar will keep them away. A few of the girls have not been as fortunate and now have nice swelled appendages...I mean it - our mosquito bites are nothing to these. I am guessing that this is why the locals don't sit out too much in the evening. They head indoors to the bars and disco's (yes, you read that right - disco's) or perhaps it is the good music. In any case I didn't hear any AC/DC.

Our phones finally work so I called my house tonight. It was good to hear Jim and Andy's voices. Tomorrow I am going to try and use the Skype phone in the lab to see if I can catch Jimmy. It is .09 euro a minute - I think I can afford that...

Monday, April 12, 2021

Day 71. Festiva Republica!

June 2nd is the Festiva Republica (photo credit: Steve Byers) - Italy's independence day. It began with a small parade around the Piazza (town square) and a speech by the current Mayor. The poor guy - the sound system was not functioning right leaving him looking like Don Knotts in "The Ghost and Mr. Chicken" (those younger than 30 - check it out on YouTube or ask your parents). The students used this parade to practice their picture taking skills. This was after the quickest lesson on the rule of thirds that I've ever seen. It was remarkable. At the end of the speech all the children release helium balloons into the air - some willing - some not so willing. That pretty much ends the 'official festivities' but then just like at home families gather and celebrate. We held class. The students returned for the brisk afternoon sessions and patiently awaited their chance to flee and celebrate as well.

Thankfully this came at about 4:30 - but - believe it or not we had to kick them out of the lab. The town is very strict about the use of the lab so it closes on time. I even was booted! Some nerve! :)

I ended my day at a meeting with the faculty followed by a nice dinner of pizza...ok it wasn't exactly that smooth. For some reason I have not been feeling all that well so my head began to spin a bit. There really isn't a ton of protein in the foods I've been eating and I think my blood sugar just suddenly dropped. Thankfully, Bill was paying attention and ordered me some cheese to boost even out my levels a bit. It was really good cheese and this was one of those times it was good I didn't speak Italian because I didn't know it was sheep cheese until after I had enjoyed about 1/2 of it! Had I known ahead of time I would never have even tried. Don't tell my children.

So we are now in our 4th day in Italy and I have aquired quite the vocabulary. I can now say "good morning" "good evening" "please" "thank you" "excuse me" "don't understand Italian" and "American". I think I may just be fluent by the time I'm ready to retire from Marquette!

I finished my day watching "National Treasure" in Italian. Nicolas Cage has a really nice Italian accent!

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Day 70. The rain Goddess lives!

Don't tell anyone on the trip - but I am the rain Goddess. My family knows this. It was a name given to me by my brother-in-law after one long, soggy, camping trip. Italy was not going to be any different. The last 2 days have been sunny and warm. Today I have to get the equipment from my room, to the bus to Cagli. Once the bus arrives I have to get it from the bus to the classroom in the middle of the Piazza. So of course, its raining! It seems to slow down when I am inside and speed up when my foot hits pavement. Cagli is a nice little village, the people are really nice and I think I am providing them a great deal of entertainment as I walk back and forth from car to classroom to apartment. I found out the hard way that my coat wasn't waterproof. Unfortunately for me the two ares that it soaked through the most were - you guessed it - the mighty mounds! So of course I now have to keep my coat on the entire day so I don't embarrass myself.

The apartment is down hill from the classroom - the roads are mostly marble and cobble stone. I am not sure if my rubber soled running shoes were the right choice for the trip - but I can't think of a better pair that would not be slippery. I did go to the grocery store and buy an umbrella. I held it in my hands for all of 5 minutes before giving it to a cold wet student and sending her on her way.

Oh - the grocery store. When I was a kid there was a corner market. I used to buy candy with rocks. Well, this store reminded me of it. The students found out you could get a 5 gallon jug of red wine for 5 Euro! I chose the 5lb bag of M&M's instead. Did I mention that the store was at the bottom of even a steeper hill? Water is now rushing down the middle as I follow Judy (one of the veteran instructors) back up. I am not sure how she is able to make it with 3 bottles of wine, I'm having difficulty with my bag of toilet paper, scott towels and M&M's. I really need to get in better shape.

After about 5 more hours I decide I've had enough and head back to my apartment. I feel like I have spent the day at a water park - but for some reason I feel pretty good about how things are going.

Saturday, April 10, 2021

Day 69. Bill's March on Rome

Our final day in Rome, Bill Thorn took us around and gave us history and a tour. If you are ever going to Rome try and book him for a tour. It is obviously a city he loves and he knows the background better than anything. We visited the Spanish Steps and a number of fountains (OK I wasn't paying that good of attention - too busy taking photos) before heading to St. Peter's Square. It was awesome! One opportunity I didn't pass up - but probably should have - was the walk to the top of the Cathedral in the Vatican. It is 320 stairs after an elevator ride. I could have saved 2 Euro by walking all the way up - but that would have been an additional 200 stairs...not sure if they have paramedics in Rome and I didn't want to find out.

The stairs on the way up twist and turn, slant and weave. I wonder how the Pope makes it up those stairs? Maybe that's why after a short time they all seem to hunch over a bit? Hmmm, something to check into.

So after our trip up the stairs I said good by to St. Peter - he actually has a statue there - keys and all! Steve and I then decided to find the Coliseum before we were finished with our tour. Steve is my walking buddy on these trips and the person I put all my faith in. He reads the map and I look for streets or landmarks. Sometimes when the words get too small I read for him - I am not sure if I should let him know the words are too small for me too - or let him think I can still read any case we found the Forum and shortly after the Coliseum. Unfortunately all the tours were finished for the day - but we were able to walk around it an peer in through the gate and fenced in walls. I felt like the little kids trying to see into a construction site. But even this was worth it. I am amazed that they have kept this for so long - I mean walls were falling down and who would know that this could some day be a significant landmark that most of the world would pay to come see.

We finished and heading back to our hotel crashing a party of some sort at a cafe - I have the picture to prove it! A performance group had just finished singing a song - holding the final note when Steve and I walked past, I snapped a photo as I did.

Friday, April 9, 2021

Day 68. Plains, Trains, and Automobiles

So we had finally left the plane and its horrible food behind. We took a bus to the terminal, had picked up our luggage and managed to find Bill in the crowds (the yellow shirt really helped). Now was the final part of the adventure. The train. I have experience with trains thanks to all the trips to Atlanta, Georgia with the robotics team. This wasn’t too much different, except no one spoke English and the signs were in Italian. Bill had arranged for an Italian faculty member named Irene (pronounced air-re-anne – roll that r) to accompany us. I purchased 12 tickets for the train, but by the time we hit the platform we were a group of 15. As Vince and Irene waited on the platform with the students, Bill and I went for the 3 additional tickets.

Then the train arrived. There was no way I was going to get the tickets and get on the train in time. Bill did something I have not ever seen him do – he told me to just go get on the train and when the conductor asked for tickets to just look dumbfounded and have Irene take care of it.

How do you say prison in Italian?

I ran (yes – you read that right – ran) to the train and jumped on just as the doors were getting ready to close. We were in two separate cars. I could see Steve and his group through the door. Thankfully Irene was with me. Next to me was the conductor. The train was very crowded and I was really trying to avoid eye-contact in case I inspired him to ask me for my ticket.

At the first stop I got a look from Steve through the glass door that clearly was a “do we get off here” type of look. I asked Irene and then signed ‘no stay there’ to him. Shortly after we started I felt a tap on my shoulder. I knew this was it – I was busted and would be thrown off at the next station. I looked and it was the conductor – but he was smiling at me and simply said – so you know sign? Except he hadn’t spoke. He was hearing impaired and had caught me signing to Steve. I spent the next 15 minutes ‘talking’ with him and finding out that he had lost his hearing when he was young and never learned to speak. He asked me where I was from and when I told him America he smiled and signed – President Obama. Apparently he approved.

It was a neat way for me to start my Rome adventure. He never did ask me for a ticket – which was good since I didn’t want to offend my new friend. When the time came to exit he held the door for me and helped me off. We signed farewell and he waved as the train pulled away.

That was nice.

A short distance (in Bill measurement) and we arrived at our hotel, greeted by the provost and one of the Priests from the program.

After a short wait (it was 11 and the rooms would not be ready until noon) we finally got our room keys and this part of the adventure was complete.

We still have to get the equipment to Cagli, but I have two days to rest first. That should help. 

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Day 67. Riding on the Romper Room Express

When I returned from Walt Disney World recently I was thankful that my next trip on a plane would have a larger percentage of adults than children. I was looking forward to sipping wine while watching a movie or quietly reading a book. The Gods must have heard my prayers and decided my life had been too easy. This trip had just as many, if not more children than the previous one. I should have known we were in trouble when I was sitting at the gate and a little boy let out a scream that would put many tornado sirens to shame. Really, this kid could be rented out for stadium evacuations! The terminal area became eerily quiet as each and every passenger thought the same thing….I hope he isn’t next to me! Well really non of us had anything to worry about – because he spent the entire trip walking around the plane – sometimes talking but most of the time screaming.

Steve had shown me his ‘sound eliminating’ headphones earlier and I thought – those are nice, but my headset is just fine. Darn you karma! I should have gone directly to the duty free shop and purchased a set. Really, when screams from children can overcome explosions in the movie ‘Dark Knight’ you know it is loud. When the little one wasn’t screaming the lady in front of me was yelling at her son. No he wasn’t naughty – this was how they communicated. I think either they were wearing noise eliminating headphones, their ears were plugged, or no-one ever explained to them about inside voices.

The 2 children behind me took great pleasure in smacking each other, kicking the seats, or trying to play the William Tell Overture on their arm rest ash trays.

Now most of this I figure is pay back for when my kids were young. In my defense I always tried very hard to make sure they didn’t annoy anyone, but I am sure they must have. I tried to keep that in mind as I attempted to sleep.

Just a quick word about the flight attendants on this trip. Those of you that attended Catholic grade-schools probably had a nun at some point that was a no-nonsense person. I think she is the one that trained this crew in customer service. No smiles, very short –anappy assistance, and a need for personal space. When not trotting down the aisles heading for business class they were sitting in the back of the plane watching youtube videos…I kid you not – I stopped at the restroom at one point and the flight attendant was watching the latest Susan Boyle outrage. They did leave a crate of soda, water, and wine outside the door so passengers could help themselves. I was tempted to grab the bottle of wine, and sit at my seat drinking myself into sweet slumber, but I was afraid of what retaliation that may cause and changed my mind.

We passed the ‘romper room torture test’ and were finally released from our seats out into the fresh air of Roma, Italy. Oh sweet, sweet, silence – but wait – we need to take a bus to the terminal. We all smashed (and I mean smashed) into the bus and went in search of our luggage. I had been told in Chicago that the equipment would probably not come out with the rest of the luggage on the carousel…thankfully she was wrong. All of the luggage made it, and as we traveled through the terminal we picked up 6 more students for our group. We now had a herd of 15. I think the best site I saw at that point was Bill’s yellow Marquette shirt….we were almost there….almost.

In the next installment – sneaking on trains.

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Day 66. Adventures

Have you ever woken up in the morning and the birds were singing, the sun was shining and you knew things were going to go great? I have. However, today it was rainy, the birds were hiding and I still needed to finish packing before meeting with Steve and Kevin at 10:30 to catch the bus. I hurried through the rest of the list, packing things and shuffling it around so that the suitcase would close. I had to pick up extra equipment the night before and now my luggage was ½ clothes, ½ cords.

Thankfully Andy was in a good mood and moved through his morning routine without much prodding from me. We got him to school – chatting all the way – and said our good-byes as he headed into the final 2 weeks of his Freshman year. I turned the car for home and made it back in record time. Along the way I sang to the radio and went through my packing list in my head, remembering that I hadn’t packed any Aspirin. When I got home I finished packing and Jimmy and I headed to the restaurant for a farewell breakfast. Along the way we a car marked “U.S. Customs” passed on the opposite side of the street. I should have taken that as an omen.

We met my friend Sue there and started enjoying the day. That’s when it happened. My cell phone rang. The ring tone told me this was a number I did not have on my contacts list. As the Who belted out the familiar song I grabbed my phone and answered it. It was the airline. They had some shifting in staff the night before and I was informed that the information I had received was not correct. They would not allow the luggage to go as I had it configured. The cases could not weigh more than 50 kilos. I knew I should have paid attention in math class when we were discussing the metrics system. But I did know enough to realize that my 67 pound boxes would not make the cut. My bus left at 10:30 and it was right now 10am. With the speed of a superhero I hung up the phone and contacted the only person I knew that could help me out. Donna. She is the Administrative Assistant to the dean and I would be lost without her. This would not be the first problem she had talked me through.

We decided that the best option was to get another shipping crate and lower the weight of the 3 boxes by shifting equipment. I was transferred to Chris, the Administrative Assistant for the IMC and the hunt for another box began. As I paid my bill and started to the bus station (I had Steve and Kevin’s tickets so I had to make that connection first) Chris hunted down another box and headed to a meeting point. Steve and Kevin were sent to Chicago with instructions on gaining a cart to transport the equipment cases off the bus and into the terminal. Meanwhile, Jimmy and I headed to the park and ride and began removing items from the case. I can only imagine what that must of looked like. We were lucky no police officers stopped to inspect what appeared to be a makeshift rummage sale.

Chris arrived with the case, we moved items around, relocked the luggage and went back to the bus station where I caught the next bus to the terminal. The bus ride was boring and I used it to catch up on a few remaining minutes of sleep. When it stopped at the terminal Steve and Kevin were waiting, cart in tow. Thankfully the line for the check-in was small and I moved to the front of the line rather quickly…but not before getting yelled at for going through the business class line (I was only taking a shortcut).

Now the plot thickens. The lady behind the counter, who was very nice, looked at me and wanted to know why I was brining 5 pieces of luggage, 4 of which were obviously very large and heavy. I explained that it was computer equipment and that I was well aware of the cost of shipping extra pieces. She began the task of checking me in, and a mere $1500 later we were almost on our way. We did need to carry the large cases to a different security area first. I am glad that Kevin and Steve were along – it made things that much smoother.

Well the equipment was headed to Rome – and it actually arrived – but I get ahead of myself. This story is not yet complete as the plane ride was a whole different adventure. But I will save that for the next post.

The moral of this story is – always double check luggage restrictions before heading to the airport. I am glad I did or this could have been a completely different story.

Day 95. Always hard to say goodbye - so I won't

40 years ago I met Judy Burns. Jim had brought me over to meet his family and there she was, shy, red-haired and hiding behind her mom. I re...