Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Day 79. Woodsy Owl

Earth day is once again upon us. The one day a year where people think about not littering. 

Caring about the Earth isn't all that new. The emphasis on recycling is, but let's face it. I've been saving items from landfills for years. 

OK, before my niece gets mad at me, let me tell you the next story. 

Waaayyyy back in 1970 my teacher, Mrs. Felwock, at Lincoln Elementary school started a new program. "The Ecology Club". It was in response to the first earth day, April 20, 1970. She wanted a way to get students active in cleaning up the playground and the world around us. Of course I joined. So did Beth, Grace, Patti and Laura. We were the Woodsy Patrol.

She went all out. We had uniforms (our Woodsy Owl Pin, plus some old crossing guard belts that Mrs. Felwock had found). We would use our lunch hour picking up trash around the playground, make sure that all the used milk cartons made it into the proper trash bin (could this have been the beginning of recycling?)

I was serious about my commitment to the club. I would pick up trash on my way home from school, if I didn't have a trash bag I would put it in the mail box on the street corner. It never dawned on me that the postal worker didn't want to empty garbage from the box, but it was convenient and at least the trash wasn't blowing around anymore. 

We planted a few trees and made sure to water them every day. It was fun watching them grow, I checked and one of them is still there (at least I want to believe it was one of the trees that we planted).

The early days of trash pick up has never left me. I always carry an extra bag with me when I walk my dog so I can pick up any stray trash along the way. (Ok - truth - during the pandemic I stopped, but will start up again - soon). It also is secretly my way of getting back at those seagulls. No trash, no seagulls! I also don't like to think that an animal may be hit by a passing car while they are enjoying a snack that has been left in the middle of the road.

I have a number of bracelets from 4Ocean (check it out - they use plastic they pull from the ocean. Each bracelet is one pound of plastic. I have 30). I also have a nice reusable collection bag and gloves. I recently purchased one of those grabbers so I don't have to touch the trash.

My children have witnessed me telling people not to litter, I have gone as far as picking up something I saw someone discard, running up to them and handing it back. Letting them know that I saw them drop it and they should hold onto it until they find a trash can. 

I realize that I may be fighting a losing battle, but I refuse to give up. I figure if someone see's this old lady picking up trash they may think twice the next time.

Oh, and all you smokers....don't think that cigarette butt magically disappears the moment you drop it on the road or out your car window. Thanks to my First LEGO League years and the research the kids did I can tell you that the filters on cigarettes - four-fifths of all cigarettes have them - are made of cellulose acetate, a form of plastic that is very slow to degrade in the environment. A typical cigarette butt can take anywhere from 18 months to 10 years to decompose, depending on conditions.

The paper masks seem to be plentiful on the streets and sidewalks. We are in a Pandemic people. Don't you think it is weird that people are happy to toss what could be disease ridden masks on the street in hopes that they don't somehow make it into the water supply? Boy, people need to start to think of others once in a while. 

Earth Day is April 22, 2021 - but that doesn't mean we should only think about it one day a year. There is so much we can do - you just need to start. 

So-here is my challenge to you, the reader. Pick up 3 pieces of trash a day. If everyone did that, soon we will find it difficult to locate any. 

"Help Woodsy spread the word! Never be a dirty bird! Where ever you may go, you can let some people know to GIVE A HOOT - DON'T POLLUTE - in the city or in the wood, help keep America - looking good!"

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