Before I was born my parents were Tupperware sales team members. Each year Tupperware has what they call a grand jubilee where they recognize top sales numbers and give out awards to those that make high numbers.
My parents were two of the people recognized and they received two Murano glass swans. One blue, one black.Mom had displayed it on the coffee table in the living room for many years. I would always play with them. The blue one would be the mommy swan and the black one the dad. I could spend hours just sliding them across the table surface and imaging them swimming in a pond.
After my mother died I still remember the swans being an important part of our living room decoration. It was always there and for me signified more than an award for doing a good job. It was still the mommy swan and that family was complete.
When my father remarried and we combined the households I made sure the swans were packed carefully into a box and carried them the three blocks to our new house. They would soon be placed in the basement rec-room behind the bar. I loved looking at them, it brought back good memories.
One day when I was downstairs dusting my new mother came down to clean the floors. I told her that when they made up the will, I wanted her to put that I would get the swans. I think she wasn't having the best day, could have been a million reasons why she was upset by my statement. Maybe the fact that I was thinking of their death. But she responded by telling me that the swans had been a gift to her and she was hoping one of her children would take them.
I may have been just nine, but my upcoming teenager spirit came out. I know I yelled and an argument ensued. It ended with me storming up the stairs. I was in my room which was right above the basement when I heard the heart stopping noise.
I ran downstairs to find my new mom stooped over the remains of the blue swan. She had bumped it by accident and it fell and broke. I cried myself to sleep that night. Now the swan family wasn't whole either.
I moved out of the house soon after graduation and didn't ask about the swan again. But every time I would visit, or there was a holiday gathering I would always find the black swan and stroke his neck. It brought me comfort.
The years moved forward and my parents, first my father, then my mother passed away.
Shortly after mom died, I was at a wedding shower for my niece, and my sister Cathy pulled me aside. She told me she had something she thought I would like. She handed me a box and inside was the black swan. She knew I had wanted it and so she retrieved it from my parents belongings before they sold the house and held it for me. My heart jumped. Yes, of course I would keep him. I was so happy and hugged Cathy as hard as I could.
So then the next quest began. Searching antique stores and online sales for a new blue swan. I searched, my sisters searched, my children have searched, but no swan. It has been almost 15 years of searching for the swan.
I asked at an antique store how I may get the picture out to collectors to see if anyone had seen a blue swan. They suggested Facebook Antique groups. I gave it a try. I took photos of the black swan for comparison and included the dimensions. I wrote a short story letting people know I was looking for his mate.
I hit post.
It only took a day. I received a message with a link to eBay attached. I looked at it and couldn't believe my eyes! It was the long-lost blue swan. I gladly paid the amount that was being asked and waited patiently for the swan to arrive.
Today my doorbell rang and the postman was holding a box with "Fragile" written all over it! She was here!I can't tell you the excitement I had when I took her out of the box. There she was - just as I had remembered her. I took her downstairs and re-united her with the black swan.
The swan family was whole again.
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