Sunday, April 25, 2021

Day 84. Granny Squares and 4H

Before we moved to Oak Creek I was quite active in Girl Scouts. We had just performed at the Holiday Folk Fair and I was anxious to see what Oak Creek's troupes would be like.


In Oak Creek they hadn't had a strong scouting experience so instead my friend, Arlys talked me into joining 4H. This was completely new to this city girl. I mean, people in this group actually raised cows! I was lucky that I could keep a hamster alive for more than a year. (There's a backstory there - watch for it at a later date)

But I was anxious to have something to do and this seemed like a fun group. We would get together and talk about projects, and we always had a craft to do at the meeting. It really wasn't that different than scouting, except that it was coed. It was the first time since I was little and my mom was a den mother for Gary's Boy Scout Troop that I had been in a group that included boys. I was too young to really care that much, but it still was a difference. For one thing, you could learn about engines and electrical things, not just sewing and cooking.

In my scout group I had learned how to crochet and I was getting quite good at granny squares. I would work on it with all of the yarn my mom would toss my way. At first my stitches were not that consistent but as time went on, I got better. Enough to catch the eye of one of the leaders of the 4-H group. 

She talked to me about entering my crocheting in the upcoming fair (it wasn't State Fair, one that was held at Mayfair, I think). Anyway, being on the look-out for awards and recognition, I entered.

But as you know, my interests and stamina in a project was never very strong. I kept meaning to pick up the hook and yarn and finish some more pieces, but other pressing things got in the way, like bike riding with Arlys or wondering the woods behind the house.

The day came for the fair and I ran upstairs to grab my 'blanket'....yeah, that's what I'll call it. A blanket. It just so happened that my sister, Judy had also been crocheting for a school project. She had made a little crocheted dress and baby booties out of blue ombre yarn. It went perfect with my blanket. I knew she wouldn't miss it (and this is probably the first she's reading about it) so I grabbed it and took it to the show.

At the fair we had the opportunity to wander the mall. We didn't have much money so we went around and asked strangers for some so we could get food at the 4H booths. Yup - early life pan-handling at it's finest.

The time came for judging and the ladies who looked at my project were very complimentary. Especially at the skill level of the dress and booties. They were tight stitches and well put together. When time came for awards I (er...Judy) took home three blue ribbons. They wanted to keep the pieces to display at the State Fair, but I lied and said they were a gift for one of my sisters that was having a baby shower.

It worked.

I went home with my three blue ribbons. Returned Judy's project to her crocheting bag and put my blanket over my Mrs. Beasley doll.

I think I was going to like 4-H.

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