Sunday, April 11, 2021

Day 70. The rain Goddess lives!

Don't tell anyone on the trip - but I am the rain Goddess. My family knows this. It was a name given to me by my brother-in-law after one long, soggy, camping trip. Italy was not going to be any different. The last 2 days have been sunny and warm. Today I have to get the equipment from my room, to the bus to Cagli. Once the bus arrives I have to get it from the bus to the classroom in the middle of the Piazza. So of course, its raining! It seems to slow down when I am inside and speed up when my foot hits pavement. Cagli is a nice little village, the people are really nice and I think I am providing them a great deal of entertainment as I walk back and forth from car to classroom to apartment. I found out the hard way that my coat wasn't waterproof. Unfortunately for me the two ares that it soaked through the most were - you guessed it - the mighty mounds! So of course I now have to keep my coat on the entire day so I don't embarrass myself.

The apartment is down hill from the classroom - the roads are mostly marble and cobble stone. I am not sure if my rubber soled running shoes were the right choice for the trip - but I can't think of a better pair that would not be slippery. I did go to the grocery store and buy an umbrella. I held it in my hands for all of 5 minutes before giving it to a cold wet student and sending her on her way.

Oh - the grocery store. When I was a kid there was a corner market. I used to buy candy with rocks. Well, this store reminded me of it. The students found out you could get a 5 gallon jug of red wine for 5 Euro! I chose the 5lb bag of M&M's instead. Did I mention that the store was at the bottom of even a steeper hill? Water is now rushing down the middle as I follow Judy (one of the veteran instructors) back up. I am not sure how she is able to make it with 3 bottles of wine, I'm having difficulty with my bag of toilet paper, scott towels and M&M's. I really need to get in better shape.

After about 5 more hours I decide I've had enough and head back to my apartment. I feel like I have spent the day at a water park - but for some reason I feel pretty good about how things are going.

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Day 95. Always hard to say goodbye - so I won't

40 years ago I met Judy Burns. Jim had brought me over to meet his family and there she was, shy, red-haired and hiding behind her mom. I re...