Sunday, February 7, 2021

Day 7. The only constant is change

 I remember my high school graduation. It was held in the Oak Creek High School gym, no not that one - the original gym. The one without any air conditioning and so deep inside the school that the chance for circulation was next to impossible. 

My sister had taken me shopping for a dress - it was a gunny sacks style (in the 80's this was a huge thing) and I actually still own it. I did my hair and makeup - if you didn't know better you'd think this was going to be one of the happiest days of my life. In truth, it was probably one of the saddest. You see, growing up my friends were my life. Even though they felt like they were always taken away from me. We moved a lot and each time I had to start over finding someone to hang out with, someone I could trust. 

By the time that I graduated I had spent four whole years in the same home. That was a record I wouldn't repeat until I was 30 years old. Anyway - the years of high school I had friends on the swim team, choir, work and theater program.

But on my graduation day as we were heading into the school my dad said to me - have fun and be sure to say goodbye to your friends - you won't ever see them again.

WHAT? I agree - that's a terrible thing to say, right? RIGHT?

I'm not really sure what I thought was going to happen once I graduated, I guess I was thinking it would be like so many of the television programs I watched, we would remain close and get together on

weekends or evenings to hang out. It never dawned on me until that moment that the people I had made a part of my life, a part of my 'family' were going to, within four short hours, be gone. Off to live the rest of their life outside the walls of Oak Creek.

I spent the next four hours looking around and secretly in my head memorizing the moment in front of me. Lori, my best friend, was two rows in front of me, Diana and Connie were in my row, and Mary was in the last row. We were sitting alphabetically, boy-girl-boy-girl style. Well, except for me and Connie - we switched seats so we could sit next to each other.

I may be the first person alive that wanted those speeches to last forever. The choir went up to sing and we all left our seats to join in. I think that's when it really started to sink in. I loved singing and Mr. Klotz our director was an artist beyond words. Many of my best memories are due to choir - and surrounding me where all the people that made that memory a reality.

The time came - we had all received our diplomas, thrown our caps in the air, and pomp and circumstance played until the last graduate exited the gym. 

The cafeteria was where we traded our caps and gowns for our real diplomas (the envelopes were empty). I looked around, Mary and Diana were hugging and heading with their families out the doors. I ran to catch up and hugged the daylights out of both. Connie and I had exchanged hugs after the ceremony and she was already on the way to her car. Lori was tough. We had been friends for six years - I couldn't say good bye - not forever - before I could run from the cafeteria so I wouldn't have to utter those words Lori and her family had surrounded me and made sure I knew they felt the same. 

Life goes on and you say good-bye over and over. Some are easier than others. Blake had left for Boston and then Florida years before I graduated. I remained in contact with her by mail. I wrote often and she wrote back when she had time. Once Blake said she was happy I was so persistent. 

Connie and I kept in contact - I went and visited her at college a couple of times, but extra money was rarely available. I didn't have a car (or a license for that matter) so I had to take the bus to Oshkosh to see her.

Mary and Diana faded into the distance. It really is just as my dad had said, they had lives as did I. I'm friends with both of them on social media now, but we don't talk like we used to. Lori went to Eau Claire for school and if I didn't have funds to visit Connie in Oshkosh, I most definitely didn't have money to visit Lori. We did our best to remain close - but life moves quickly. However, we have never lost touch for too long and our love for each other is still strong. We write when we can and call when writing seems to be taking to much time to do. 

Over the years I have 'graduated' many times. Leaving places of employment and friends I had made behind. I never miss the work, but I always miss the people. I sort of remain in contact with some of my past work friends. But that really never makes it any easier.

Social media gives us the chance to find out about new adventures, family updates and happy life moments. But it really never will take the place of face to face contact. 

Today I had to say good-bye to another friend, not because I 'graduated', but because she did. Lois was my first friend at PBS. We were tossed together as room-mates. When I first arrived she was out most of the time shooting "Around the Corner with John McGivern". Sometimes she would blow in on a Friday, chatting with the next week's business contacts or talking through plans for a future location. 

I remember asking for permission to follow ATC on location. I would state that I needed photos to help tell the story on social. I really did. But truth be told, Lois has an eye for story (of course she does) and really didn't need my photos. I just wanted an excuse to get out of the office and be part of something. 

I was able to accompany her team a couple of times during the first few months I was at PBS. I wonder if she'll ever forget how I asked John for a video birthday wish for my friends mom. I still have that video - he was very tired and very sweet to accommodate me.

When the season was finished being shot she was in and out of the office - moving between setting up the next preview program and editing the season. In between work and travel we had chances to talk about life. I found out she had four children and she listened as I talked about my two. I'm pretty sure Lois did most of the listening. I've never been one to tell a short story.

I was thrilled when I was able to help out with preview programs and looked forward to finally using my photography skills. I would ask her about work flow issues I was having at the station, so Lois helped me meet more of the members - the whole other side of the building, in fact. The engineers, editors and videographers, dub and edit bays. 

She'll never know how much in awe of her I was while we shared an office. Her talent is amazing and way above my expertise, yet she always treated me like an equal. We laughed and agonized in that office. Designed and edited content, discussed auction and pledge. Created social media content and the wording for the back of DVD sleeves. I loved every minute of it. It was only three short years, and I'm sad to see it end already. But, Heraclitus made the assertion that "Life is Flux", meaning everything or all things change. 

Sometimes I wish he was wrong. 

Go forth and create Lois - I am so proud to call you friend. But be forewarned - I'm a hard person to get rid of, just ask those that came before you!

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